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From £40 summer, £70 winter (details below)

  • Large stables, matted, drinkers, undercover

  • Secure tackrooms with plenty of storage

  • Separate summer and winter well-maintained, secure grazing in small, quiet herds

  • Large, floodlit, all-weather outdoor arena with jumps

  • Stunning 20 x 40 indoor school (with training mirrors)

  • Individual hardstanding pens with shelter

  • Great for laminitics, rehabilitation and retired horses

  • Round pen

  • Miles of off-road hacking

  • Warm, clean toilet

  • Cosy, friendly ‘Wendy House’ with free tea/coffee

  • Homegrown haylage & hay

  • Well behaved dogs welcome

  • Owners live on-site, full CCTV

  • Adults only (16+)


Pricing and Routine

Summer horses out 24/7 with use of all of the above - from £40 pw

Winter -  from £70 pw – includes ad-lib haylage/hay and giving morning feed and turnout. Additional services are available upon request and charged accordingly. This includes days of full livery to cover holidays, sicknesses, emergencies,  etc. 
Winter horses at night and during the day have a mixture of field and individual hardstanding pens. We are not a fan of horses being in their stables all day nor do we like the horses out all day in the fields when there’s very little grass but plenty of mud. The hardstanding pens are an amazing compromise. They mean the horses are NEVER in their stable during the day which we feel is massively important for their physical and mental well-being.  They can be out of their stable all day, every day. 


Grass Livery

£25 pw

Possibly what every horse would pick given the choice! 80 acres of hill grazing with fantastic natural shelter. Mixed herd of all different ages and sizes. Affectionately called the Hill Billies. Option to graze them on a smaller area in the summer for weight management.  Clients are more than welcome to bring their horse/pony off the hill to use the yard facilities but being completely honest it’s more suited to horses not in regular work as it’s not a 5 minute walk from the hill to the yard. Emergency stable available on a pay as you need basis (including hay/haylage).

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